March 14, 2009

The New ShutterFlies

So here it is at last... the new ShutterFlies Photography website!

So what is it that we do... well we are photographic artists... masters of light (or forever striving to be at least), seekers, visionaries.

We love what we do... we don't spend our time trying to take the 'perfect' photograph since no such thing exists, but we strive to capture moments, glimpses of time, beauty and most of all character!

Application of knowledge is power, so join us in sharing knowledge, interesting pieces of information, networking, and most of all interesting endless exciting photographic moments.

If you do not have a website and would like to post up some of your own creative photographic art please get in touch with me through our Contact Page and we will organize it.

Shutterly Fantastic! - Lauren

1 comment:

ShutterFlies Photography said...

I absolutely love ShutterFliesPhotography!
You'll get great service here! Great quality for the price!