January 27, 2010

Back to Basics: First Things First - Equipment

Photography has many different elements to it and there are many great cameras out there, but the first and most important thing you need to acknowledge is that it is not the camera that takes the picture but rather you who imposes these photographic elements into the camera that takes the picture.

Every decision you make about taking a photograph will influence it in one way or another. You will learn how to manipulate different settings to get what you envision.

Through the next few weeks we will be going back to the basics of photography and work our way down a photography curriculum. The lessons covered will be;
Equipment: What I need to Begin
Basic Functionality: F-Stops, Shutter Speeds and ISO's
Light: What it is, Measuring it and exposure Control
Being creative: Depth of Field
Seeing the light: Color and Light
Use it right: Flash Photography
Seeing the picture: Using composition

None of the techniques listed above work independently but rather interdependently. They all rely on eachother to create a specific outcome.
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