July 6, 2011

Under Water Photography

It is certainly true that, if there is a photographic art that is absolutely necessary and indispensable, it is underwater photography.

Us human beings walk above the surface all day every day observing our surroundings, finding the moments we desire to capture and keep - and what beautiful moments we behold - but it is a rare few that venture beneath the surface, gearing up for hours to go below and explore the almost vivid paint-like world found in the waters and oceans that surround us.

This is an effort to explore an entire world that is astonishingly fascinating in it's endless beauty of sea creatures, alluring anemone, staggering greenery and organisms belonging to species of yet-to-be-discovered genres.

All this beauty is eagerly captured by the underwater photography enthusiasts that do the hard work, and bring it above for us all to see.

This has become such an enticing and specific area of photography that, much like their work, different organizations have been surfacing all around the world with their main focus on underwater photography.

One such place is the SFUPS - South Florida Underwater Photography Society.

Created in 1980 as a hub for sharing their love, ideas and techniques of underwater photography, this society still welcomes members from Broward, Dade and Palm Beach County as well as embracing people from all around America and the world. The only requirement - a love for photography under the waters.

In their monthly meetings they host guest speakers, photographic club competitions with image presentations and discussion boards, local and exotic dive trips and a fabulous end of year party with Photographer of the Year awards.

The best part is, you do not need to invest in thousands of dollars of camera housing systems and equipment.

Their membership is made up of people with experience ranging from beginners to advanced, using underwater point-and-shoots to more sophisticated equipment.

Besides meeting some great new friends and enjoying club-sponsored diving trips, you may just find your true love lies under the surface.

Membership Info: Click here for a membership form.

- Individual: $35 annually

- Family: $45 annually

- Out-of-the-area participants: $20 annually

Click here for more information on the SFUPS.

Photo: Jim Christensen

Click here for original article on Examiner.com

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